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Food & Beverage Related Business

Kneader extraction facility

Extracts tea leaves with their original flavor under any conditions.

This kneader has been developed for the extraction of various types of tea beverages and can handle up to 2,800 liters (the largest in the industry). Detailed extraction conditions can be set for each type of beverage using the touch panel. Extraction data can be registered for up to 80 varieties.

Kneader extraction facility

Upper lid mechanism (automatic opening/closing

Sealing with the top lid during extraction allows for more efficient extraction. The lid opens automatically when raw materials are fed and closes automatically during extraction.

Tea leaf separator

Efficient separation of extractables and liquids
after kneader extraction

This option was developed to separate extractables and extracted liquid using a barrier filter. The filter mesh size can be changed to enable fine separation.
The drive unit uses an oilless air cylinder for a clean environment.

Tea leaf separator option

Maintenance platform

Allows access to the separation tank mesh.
It is permanently installed and can be easily accessed in case of emergency.


Model Full water
Dimensions (mm)
L kW kW rpm A B C D E
SKN-400 400 2.2 0.4 6 ~ 24 2210 600 1315 900 725
SKN-500 500 2416 600 1340 950 805
SKN-800 800 2750 700 1555 1100 900
SKN-1000 1000 3220 900 1745 1220 1000
SKN-1100 1100 3220 900 1745 1220 1050
SKN-1300 1300 0.75 3220 900 1805 1220 1020
SKN-1500 1500 3.7 3300 900 1830 1220 1175
SKN-1600 1600 3400 950 1925 1300 1175
SKN-1700 1700 3400 950 1925 1300 1175
SKN-2000 2000 5.5 1.5 6 ~ 18 3560 1000 2000 1400 1200
SKN-2400 2400 5.5 1.5 6 ~ 18 3700 1000 2125 1525 1305
SKN-2800 2800 7.5 2.2 6 ~ 18 4300 1000 2125 1924 1170